Experience the rush of our best-selling battery products! Our high-performance batteries are flying off the shelves, thanks to their unmatched reliability, long-lasting power, and versatility. Whether you're powering your home, office, or outdoor adventures, our batteries are the perfect solution. Don't miss out on the trend – join the thousands of satisfied customers who have already made the switch to our top-rated battery products. Discover the difference today and upgrade your energy storage with confidence.
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"multiple_rates": "Мы обнаружили [number_of_rates] тарифов на доставку для [адрес], начиная с [rate].",
"one_rate": "Мы нашли один тариф на доставку, доступный для [адрес].",
"no_rates": "К сожалению, мы не осуществляем доставку в этот пункт назначения.",
"rate_value": "[rate_title] at [rate]",
"errors": "Есть некоторые ошибки:"
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